SerialLite II IP Core User Guide

ID 683179
Date 7/13/2021
Document Table of Contents Transmitter Buffer Power (VCCH)

You can set your preferred VCCH value to the transmit and receive pins.
  1. In the Quartus Prime software, on the Assignments menu, click Assignment Editor.
  2. In the <<new>> row, in the To column, double-click and type rxin to set value for the receive pin.
  3. Double-click in the Assignments Name column, and click I/O Standard (Accepts wildcards/groups). The entry is set to I/O Standard.
  4. Double-click in the Value column and click 1.4-V PCML or 1.5-V PCML.
  5. In the new <<new>> row, repeat steps 2 to 4 to set the value for the transmit pin (txout).