Qsys System Design Tutorial

ID 683378
Date 5/04/2015
Document Table of Contents

1.5. Assemble a Hierarchical System

Hierarchical systems allow you to reuse modular system components. Additionally, hierarchical systems allow you to break large systems into smaller subsystems thus, creating more manageable designs.

The memory tester design includes the following lower-level subsystems:

  • Data pattern generator—Generates and transmits Avalon-ST data to the memory tester components.
  • Data pattern checker—Receives and verifies Avalon-ST data from the memory tester components.
Figure 2. Top-Level Memory Tester Design with a Processor and SDRAM Controller

Note: The hierarchical system you create is based on the lower-level pattern_checker_system.qsys, and pattern_generator_system.qsys subsystems that you created in previous sections. If you did not create these subsystems in the previous section, you can use the completed versions provided with the design files in the tt_qsys_design\completed_subsystems directory available from the Qsys Tutorial Design Example web page. Copy these files to the appropriate tt_qsys_design\quartus_ii_projects_for_boards\ <development_board> directory for your board.