Nios® II Software Developer Handbook

ID 683525
Date 8/28/2023
Document Table of Contents nios2-terminal (64-bit support)


Performs terminal I/O with a JTAG UART in a Nios® II system.




Terminal Options

 -V, --version              display version number
  -h, --help                 show this message and exit
  -v, --verbose              show extra information during run (default)
  -q, --quiet                show minimal information
      --write-pid            write process ID to filename specified
  -w, --wait                 wait for a signal before starting
      --flush                empty buffers before displaying output
      --signal-pid           send signal to process ID when ready
  -o, --quit-after=SECS      quit after SECS second(s) (default is never)
      --no-quit-on-ctrl-d    don't quit if Ctrl-D received from target
  -u, --dump=OPTS            dump extra debug information for OPTS
      --gmon                 write gmon.out file if seen from target
      --no-gmon              do not write gmon.out

Connection Options

   -H, --hardware             connect to a hardware target (default)
      --persistent           try to reconnect after an I/O error
      --no-persistent        opposite of persistent

Connect to Hardware Options

  -c, --cable=CABLE          use CABLE JTAG cable (default auto-detect)
  -d, --device=DEVICE        connect to DEVICE device (default auto-detect)
  -i, --instance=INSTANCE    connect to INSTANCE instance (default auto-detect)
Note: If a development board has more than one JTAG port, the nios2-terminal command cannot work unless the correct JTAG cable is identified. In order to identify the correct JTAG cable, you must first run the jtagconfig command. For example, if the output states that USB-Blaster is port 2, then you can run the command using the correct JTAG port nios2-terminal -c 2.