Vision Processing with the Canny Edge Detection Reference Design

ID 683433
Date 2/14/2015
Document Table of Contents

1.7. Canny Edge Reference Design Resource Usage

Table 4.  Resource UsageUsing the Quartus II software v14.0 and targetting the 5CSXFC6D6F31C8ES Cyclone V FPGA device
Entity ALMs Logic Registers M10K Block Memory Bits
Gaussian blur 150 234 4 40,960
Sobel 213 385 4 40,960
Nonmaximal suppression 605 1,086 16 131,072
Double threshold 17 8 0 0
DMA frame reader and writer 3,417 4,095 329 2,662,764
Total 6,019 8,866 357 2,876,247