Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Programmer

ID 683039
Date 10/04/2021

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2.4.3. Running JTAG Daemon with Linux

The JTAGD daemon is the Linux version of a JTAG server. The JTAGD daemon allows a remote machine to program or debug boards connected to a Linux host over the network. The JTAGD daemon also allows programs to share JTAG resources.

Running the JTAGD daemon prevents:

  • The JTAGD server from exiting after two minutes of idleness.
  • The JTAGD server from not accepting connections from remote machines, which might lead to an intermittent failure.

To run JTAGD as a daemon:

  1. Create an /etc/jtagd directory.
  2. Set the permissions of this directory and the files in the directory to allow read/write access.
  3. Execute jtagd (with no arguments) from the quartus/bin directory.
The JTAGD daemon is now running and does not terminate when you log off.